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The Jewish Georgian Book Review
April 2001

Judaism and Vegetarianism
Reviewed by Lewis Regenstein

With mad cow disease and the increase in death from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and other diseases associated with meat consumption so much in the news, Professor Richard Schwartz's new edition of Judaism and Vegetarianism is more timely than ever. The book eloquently discusses and documents how the tenets of Judaism, requiring us to be compassionate toward animals, feed the hungry, help the poor, protect the natural environment, and maintain good health, can be fulfilled by adopting a vegetarian diet. He shows how such a diet can help play an important role in reducing global hunger, pollution, resource depletion, poverty, cruelty to animals, and threats to human health and welfare. For example, he cites the fact that 70 percent of the grain grown in the United states, and over a third grown worldwide, is fed to farmed animals, as millions of people face starvation. Moreover, raising animals for our meat-centered diets causes more pollution and destruction or degradation of natural resources, such as water, than all other human activities combined.

This book, by the author considered the top authority on the subject, is a "must" read for anyone interested in Judaism, the environment, human health, and how the teachings of Judaism can literally save the world for future generations.

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